JUST IN TIME ESTIMATIONS Estimating User Stories using Story Points is a very popular method used by agile teams to estimate the User Stories based on size and complexity and it perfectly suits the agile teams. Does Story Points help teams to know how much time would they need to complete a particular User Story or a Task? I know most of you would say NO. Then what helps the team to forecast their work completion schedule? We Shall come back to this in a bit. If Story points doesn’t help teams to estimate their tasks, then why do we need story point estimations? Any guesses? Would you believe if I say the story points are just a gateway for considering the User Story for the sprint planning. Yes, Story Points act as a parameter for understanding the complexity of a User Story to determine if it can be completed within a Sprint. I keep hearing frequently that some agile teams have the practice of converting the User story Points into hours say 1 Story point is equivalent t...